If your Lease has a term of more than 3 years, it must be registered to protect the Tenant’s interest in the land.
To register the Lease, you will need to lodge the following documents at the NSW Department of Lands:–
1. Form 07L Registration of Lease. This form can be downloaded from the Department of Lands website here:-
2. The fully signed Lease as an Annexure to the Form 07L. You will need to make sure that each page is numbered, and all parties sign the first and last page of the Lease document;
3. The Certificate of Title; and
4. A plan of the Leased area where only a part of the land is being leased.
This is not a definitive guide to registering your Lease – for more information, please contact the New South Wales Department of Lands or refer to the Directions that can be downloaded from the Department of Lands website.