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101 Trade Secrets Lawyers Don’t Want You to Know

AT LAST an insider shortcut guide that shows you how to reduce the cost of solicitor fees and legal costs… by… thousands of dollars!

It provides you with cost-cutting legal insights and know-how. Real tips and shortcuts that protects your business, your wealth and your lifestyle!

Avoiding The Legal Minefield

Operating a business these days is like tip-towing through a minefield–you never know when one wrong move will wind up blowing up in your face. This material “maps out” the minefield and shows you in plain English how to avoid costly mistakes and lawsuits! Plus… it gives you ALL the —smart legal moves— to do it!

“Excellent material and first class product, will save us a fortune on legal fees” — A. H. (Vacuum Technologies Penrith NSW)

A smart business person will use these trade secrets to his or her advantage.

Mind you, this material doesn’t tell you how to run your business.  But it does give you expert legal advice when it comes to safeguarding your money! And you’ll know precisely how to unshackle yourself from expensive solicitor fees, legal and court costs!

“Thank you for the very informative guide and other documents I purchased from you. WOW! I can already see how it will help my business” — S. J. (Stepping-Stones Education Cairns QLD)

You will find below a partial list of trade secrets clearly defined in this new guide.

    • How a simple legal (ethical) strategy will recover payment for expensive employee training when he or she leaves.
    • How to pay for an ironclad (and 100% legal!) GST exemption on a product and service… even… if you’re on a shoestring budget!

    • Why inserting an “interpretation clause” in a legal contract is a powerfully-effective strategy to protect yourself. Click here page 9.
    • How certain laws can legally protect you while you DO business out-of-state, and without the worry of ever being sued!
    • How to remove a court Judgment FAST through a motion to vacate.
    • How to buy a profitable business with a “Commercial Sandwich Lease.” It works like crazy, and it can save you thousands of dollars in the process!
    • How to legally protect a new idea, product or invention without the high cost of a patent attorney! (You’ll be shocked and amazed at how simple this is… and… by how well it works.)
    • How to eliminate the “risks” in receiving and paying by cheque. Click here page 31.
    • How to STOP your customers from hiring away your best employees.
    • The shocking truth about using a non disclosure legal agreement. The legal downside you face by using one, and what you should DO to stay… one step ahead… of the law!

    • How you can collect on a court judgment cheaply, and bypass the high cost of using a bailiff, sheriff or solicitor.
    • How to make $20 for every $1.00 that you invest in business.

Click here page 39.

    • 8 “Warning Signs” the Banks look for in you (and your business!) and how it’s as easy-as-pie to eliminate them completely!
    • How to cancel out bank fees, and CASH Not Negotiable cheques instantly!
    • Legal clauses lawyers leave out so that they can litigate later.
    • Why every type of business “regardless of its size” should use shareholder agreements.Click here page 68.
    • Stealth-like “legal provisions” that should be in every contract you use so that you gain an almost unfair contractual advantage.

    • How to better the substance of your credit file—in ONLY 30-days.
    • How a taxpayer should proceed if faced with a surprise audit.
    • 67 unknown free government law services and taxation loopholes.
    • How to buy out a business with the equipment strategy!

Click here page 93.

    • How to take over a “going business” by using the liitle known yet powerfully-effective debt consolidation strategy.
    • How old federal law (from the early 1950’s) that’s still in use today, can stop bankruptcy in its track, protect your A1 credit, and satisfy persistent and ruthless creditors.

    • How to quickly build a credit identity apart from an ex-spouse.
    • Why the legal process referred to as: “Injunctive Relief” is a powerful tool which can be used effectively to win your case.

    • Why it’s wise to use “Severance Agreements” in business.

Click here page 103.

  • How to make yourself “bullet-proof” from lawsuits, judgments, and counter-lawsuits, etc.
  • General Partnerships and the law. What YOU should know today. And where you really stand in the eyes of the law.

  • How to sign an agreement so that you avoid personal liability.
  • Key elements you should “ALWAYS” look for in a business agreement before you sign and date it!

  • Sure ways to tell if your solicitor is the right one for you!
  • Questions you should NEVER ask in an interview.

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“I appreciate your offer. Great value and goods received very promptly. Thank you.” —G. A. (Marine Engineer, Clareville NSW)

This publication is also extremely beneficial when dealing with larger companies. Use these trade secrets in your business and you’ll be way better off, financially!

“Good stuff! It’s great to get your head around legal matters in such an easy way.” —S. S. (Professional Carpet Cleaners Mackay QLD)

Don’t dismiss this new guide because it’ll make a powerful difference in your business. And it doesn’t hurt that it is tax-deductible.


The Legal Guide is currently being revised and is unavailable for purchase.


YOUR GUARANTEE: ¾ “Use this guide and if you don’t see a substantial drop in solicitor fees and legal costs—return it anytime you want (there is no trial period!) along with our invoice for a full cash refund! Plus the software is yours free to keep just for buying this legal material!”


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