Retail tenancy laws throughout Australia protect the interests of small business consumers by considering the rights of both the tenant and Landlord.
Retail Tenancy laws provide this protection by making sure that prospective tenants have sufficient information to make a sound business decision about entering into or renewing a Retail Shop Lease rental Agreement.
The type of Shop lease you enter into will depend on a number of factors, including the premises itself and what you wish to use it for.
Each state has its own Legislation or Act that defines the type of premises and whether the act will apply. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant its imperative you understand your rights and responsibilities under the relevant Act and honour your obligations under the lease agreement to ensure you stay out of the legal minefield.
The retail tenancy law is very clear in most Australian states:
A landlord in a retail lease must not, in connection with the lease, engage in conduct that that is misleading or deceptive to a tenant or guarantor. A party who suffers damage by reason of misleading or deceptive conduct of another party may make a claim for compensation.
Because retail tenancy laws vary from state to state we’ve outlined the requirements of each on the following pages.
Simply click on the state or territory you require.